How Chemo has effected MY brain.

Here is the results of my Testing from the Brain Fitness Center in Clearwater, FL from May of 2015. My Last Chemo & Radiation treatments were sometime in the fall of 2010. I remember specifically my Chemoport & Feeding tube were removed prior to Xmas that year which was the best Xmas gift I could ask for at that time.

Prior to all this I was a very sharp individual that had a background in Civil Engineering, Land Surveying & Land Development. I was excellent with AutoCAD & taught it to others.

I tried going back to work, but the processing capabilities just weren’t there. It would take me 3x longer to complete certain tasks. I couldn’t put 6 hours on my time sheet for a task that is only supposed to take 2 hours. I would work 60 hours, but my paycheck would only reflect 20.

I struggled & struggled just thinking I was “rusty” and it would all come back & eventually get back up to speed. It never did.

It caused a lot of trust issues with my ex because she thought I was doing inappropriate things instead of working. She had NO IDEA how much I was struggling to just get back to the quality of life I had prior to cancer.

After these test results, she was understanding for about a week. Then I was lazy & whatever else she could throw at me. Needless to say this was a very depressing time in my life. Eventually I had to quit because the stress was just way too overwhelming.

Complex Attention, Cognitive Flexibility & Executive Function scored only 2-3% of what a “normal” person’s ability functions at.

To say that is crippling is an understatement.

However, on a positive note, there are plenty of other things I am excellent at still, that have not been affected. Unfortunately what HAS been affected, severely impair my ability to earn a living.

There are countless THOUSANDS of others that are effected by Chemo Brain & there seem to be virtually no resources or programs to rehabilitate those left with this condition due to cancer treatments.

In MY journey to repair myself, I’ve decided to make it my life’s ambition to create something that has all the tools, therapy & training to help others restore their quality of life prior to cancer.

Please help me in my journey to make this a reality for all those Cancer Survivors that struggle with mild to severe cognitive impairment as a result of cancer treatments.

Wants & NEEDS of a person with Chemo Brain

I’m looking for feedback from people that struggle with Chemo Brain.

We all have different needs & levels of impairment.

What would help you if it was available at no cost?

  • A part time personal assistant?
  • Assistance paying bills, balancing a checkbook/bank account?
  • Financial literacy/being self sufficient
  • Life Coach or Mentor?
  • Professional Organizer?
  • What kind of therapist or counselor?
  • Fitness Program, Physical Therapist, Personal Trainer?
  • Nutritionist, Health/Dietary Program?
  • Healthy meal preparation classes?
  • Music instruction program or anything else to help develop different areas of the brain?
  • Career enhancement, new skill/vocational training
  • Social/recreational activities
  • Support groups, in person, on line?
  • Chemo Brain Help Line?

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